What's Included In The Paid Subscription Plan?

What's Included In The Paid Subscription Plan?

Simply put, it includes everything! With the premium subscription, you unlock full access to ResumAI, CoverLetterAI, NetworkAI, InterviewAI and JobTrackerAI features. This grants you the freedom to upload unlimited resumes and generate an infinite number of resume bullet points, cover letters, and networking messages. You'll also get sufficient interview practice and you'll have a platform to track all your job applications.

Moreover, the package encompasses our Resume Scorer, which exclusively delivers a comprehensive resume score breakdown to premium users, analyzing your resume's quality. And don't forget, you can tap into AutoApplyAI, allowing you to seamlessly apply to up to 25 jobs each week with minimal effort! If you're a new premium subscriber, you'll get 100 AutoApply job applications for your first week with us!

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